
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Birthday and Giveaway

So in all actuality, TheEgyptianGoddess would actually be turning two.  But it was a year ago that I decided to become a blogger of "stuff" instead of a blogger of "me".

I don't really have much to say other then I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  Being able to connect with other bloggers has been SO much fun!

So anyways, on to the giveaway.  It's not anything SUPER MASSIVE but it's something that I thought people would enjoy.

The winner will have one of two choices.

A $25 gift card to Sephora


A $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble
 Now for the Rules:
1. Open to US only.
2. Must be at least 18 to enter, or have your parents permission.
3. Contest ends April 14th.

Disclaimer: Items purchased by myself.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Eternia's Toys said...

Barnes and Noble card

Unknown said...

Thank you for your entry!
Good luck. :)

Arianne said...

As I am in need of a new foundation, I would choose Sephora please

Jen said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I LOVE Sephora but I would take the books :)

Alaine88 said...

family74014 at gmail dot com

B said...

Rock on with the blogging :)
Normally I'd choose Barnes and Noble BUT since I already still have 2 from Christmas, Sephora haha