
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Birthday Giveaway winner

Hello my beautiful Goddesses! I hope this past few weeks have been most excellent for you. Because it sure has been for me. Turning 30 has been awesome and I still feel like I'm 26! The only sad part about this past few weeks is that I haven't had my laptop. There was some weird thing going on with some of my software so I took it to my step dad to fix and it even had him baffled. So needless to say it had to pretty much reboot my computer. :( Now for some awesome news. The winner of my giveaway is Brooke(SayAnythingBrOOke).
a Rafflecopter giveaway Be on the look out for more posts now that I have my 'puter back. I love you guys! Trellyn

1 comment:

B said...

AHHH so weird, we are meant to be hahha will be replying to your email soon :) THANK YOU!